Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Using Promotional Gifts as Branding Tools

Using Promotional Gifts as Branding Tools

Using Promotional Gifts as Branding Tools

Jeff Bezos the founder of the online sales platform, Amazon said, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”
Your brand is the genuine totality of what you have to offer, how you offer what you have to offer, and the reason why you offer what you offer.
To stand head and shoulders above your competition, your brand has to showcase your excellent service and professionalism as it directly depicts your value to those who would require your services.
How do you set up the perfect brand then?
Your brand is not about selling your personality and your achievements but about the services you are willing to offer, the needs you are meeting, and the problems your services can solve. It is about the thing that makes you exceptional. What can you offer that others can’t? How can you offer it with quality? After getting the answers to these questions, you can proceed to following steps:
  • Seize any available opportunity: Success might not necessarily come from doing what you want but from doing what other people want. Discovering the needs existing in your immediate environment and proffering a solution to it is the first step in building your brand. Study the people around you. Find out what makes them tick, what they like to do, what makes them happy, what is currently being an obstacle to their happiness or satisfaction and come up with a way to remove that obstacle if possible. In the event that you find competition offering solutions to the same problem, don’t despair, look for a way to offer that solution better than the competition. When you’ve found a problem you can solve in a unique way, you’re ready to move to the next step.
  •  Understand your potential customers: Your business is centered on the needs of your customers. It is, therefore, necessary to find out any and everything about them from what they do to where they live, their financial status, etc. After acquiring all the necessary standard demographic data, it is important to study your target audience (potential customers) to know their belief and value systems, understand their aspirations and the difficulties hampering them. To achieve this, it is expedient that you interact with them via all available platforms such as social media or the old-fashioned face-to-face talk by inviting them out for picnics, dinners, parties and the likes. When interacting with them, do well to find out what their interests are, what they like, what they dislike, if they would prefer quality or quantity and why. After acquiring all these data, identify what population set of your target audience is more likely to require and afford your services and focus on them.
  • Design your message: Your message should be able to tell your audience what you offer and what makes you stand out from others offering services similar to what you offer. Keeps your message exciting enough to attract the attention of your audience and straight to the point as they might not be patient enough to read an essay on the history of your company. Your message should summarize all that you do your values and how you achieve results simplistically and unforgettably that your audience can relate to.
  • Bring out your specialty: Play to your strengths. Are you the most experienced service provider in your locale or the most creative? Are you the best at treating customers well? Is your product the best? Whatever makes you stand out should be your selling point. Whatever it is you do better than your competition should be the first thing your target audience knows about you, and you must do well to tell them. Your ability to show what makes you exceptional is your key to outselling your competition. However, while trying to make a point to prove your uniqueness, ensure that you stay within the confines of the law.
  • Spell out your values: Your genuineness is what allows your customers to trust you, to interact with you and advertise your business to others. Being genuine entails having values that define your authenticity and staying true to it. Your values include your ethics. Values are communicated in simple things such as even your communication with others orally or in print. Your values could include ethical values such as being environmentally friendly or being tolerant towards inclinations and customs of your audience whether cultural, religious or sexual. Ensure that you stay consistent and true to your values in every one of your dealings and interactions with customers. Practice what you preach. Being found doing something different from what you profess could mar your brand.
The role of business gifts or promotional gifts in building a brand
Seize the opportunity to place your brand before every potential customer. It helps keep you on their minds and remind them about your services. The kind of gifts to build your brand should be:
  • Used continuously: Repetition of an action best creates a memory. The best way to keep your brand in the mind of your customers is to provide them with promotional gift items that they will use again and again. With your logo on such an item, it is easy for the user of the business gift to remember what organization provided the gift and the kind of service they offer. Coffee mugs or ballpoint pens are items that are used continually and are good ideas for promotional gifts.
  • Tangible: your promotional gifts should be tangible gifts your customers can handle at any time and interact with. Business promotional gifts such as key chains, notepads, and jotters with your brand logo on them afford people the opportunity to interact with your brand indirectly whenever they make use of such promotional gift items
  • Easy to remember: Your customers should be able to connect and relate to your promotional gift items. These gift items carrying your brand can do a lot for your business especially when they are items that can be easily remembered.
Giving out branded promotional gifts to your customers shows that you care about them. We at Digitized Logos are capable of providing you with promotional gift items that are sure to help your brand. Visit us today and select from our range of business promotional gift items for every budget.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Best Employee Recognition Gifts

Best Employee Recognition Gifts

Employee Recognition Gifts

Inherent in the human nature is the need to feel appreciated. This is very normal as everyone loves to be noticed now and then for doing something outstanding. While compliments may feel superfluous and could be a bit awkward, everyone loves to have their efforts recognized and sometimes rewarded. Companies that take out the time to recognize the efforts of their employees ensure that their employees love their jobs; after all, if you enjoy what you do, you will never have to work a day in your life. Failing to recognize their effort and achievements could turn out to be detrimental to the business as the business stands the risk of losing them. Quoting Bob Nelson, “People may take a job for more money, but they will leave it for more recognition.” Recognizing employees for reasons such as Punctuality, meeting or surpassing a goal, solving a problem, managing time wisely, providing a creative idea, consistently delivering quality work or even for no reason at all should be a common practice in every work environment. This could increase productivity in the workplace, reduce tension and negativity while boosting engagement.
Why should you recognize your employees?
  • It helps to motivate the whole team: Setting out time to acknowledge a few outstanding employees for their excellence helps to set the bar for other employees to show them what is really expected of them. It also serves to encourage those who are not recognized to step up their game to get noticed by working hard to finish up tasks before deadlines.
  • It improves productivity: employee recognition programs utilize time and money which could have been channeled to other things; however, it always turns out to be a fruitful investment. Recognizing employees who seize opportunities to be outstanding as they present themselves, who are capable of making tough, smart decisions and can remain calm under pressure will always motivate the whole team to perform their duties excellently as they give their best so that they can be recognized or rewarded in turn thus increasing productivity. Once an employee is rewarded for a positive behavior, this required behavior would be repeated by employees. When these employees feel appreciated, they feel a sense of pride and importance and are sure to give their best to the business.
  • It helps to create a positive or conducive workplace: Happy employees will always create a happy working environment. Apart from prompt payment of wages and salaries, recognizing and appreciating the efforts of employees now and then is one of the best ways of turning a depressing work atmosphere to a joyful one. Recognizing the efforts of your employees keeps them happy thus creating a positive atmosphere in your workplace.
  • It builds and strengthens the relationship between the employee and the employer: Appreciating and recognizing your employees for their achievements in the company helps foster long-lasting positive relationships between you and them. Establishing this relationship is essential to creating a healthy workplace where everyone feels comfortable.
  • It helps to identify future leaders: creating a recognition scheme is not only beneficial to the employee but also to the employer as it becomes easier to pick out employees that would suit and fit into future leadership positions in the company.
  • It helps retain your best employees: employees who feel unappreciated and unrecognized are easy targets for other companies who they feel would recognize and appreciate their efforts. Spotting out and recognizing these employees helps keep them loyal to the company and ensure that their 100% attention is with you.
How do you retain and recognize your employees?
The answer is simple! By showering them with employee recognition gifts. Employee Recognition day shouldn’t be the only day to recognize useful inputs of employees and reward their efforts. Recognizing hard-working employees as much as possible is a good way to foster employee job satisfaction and retention for your business. Giving gifts to recognize meaningful effort put in by employees go a long way to show that the employer or business appreciates them level the employees happy and motivated to stay productive. Recognition should be done timely when employees have been found to distinguish themselves by demonstrating excellence in their work. With the number of competing businesses on the rise every day, there is continuous competition to attract the best employees. Any business failing at recognizing and appreciating the efforts of its best employees would have them to blame for losing them.
Employee Recognition Gift Ideas
Finding the perfect give to award outstanding employees could prove to be quite tedium if one lacks the required acumen for picking out such things. This is why DigitizedLogos.com has you covered with loads of different great corporate recognition gift items to pick from. Opportunities to give employees award of recognition could come in forms of:
  • An employee of the month award
  • A celebration of solving a big problem at the business
  • An award for achieving set goals within speculated time
  • A token of thanks for bringing in a great client to the company

Gifts can also be given as gestures such as gifts to an employee going through a tough time. Or birthday gifts and the likes. These recognition gift items could include things that the employee would use a lot such as pens, keychains, mugs, highlighters, duffle bags and the likes. Gifts to inspire or motivate them while they work such as customized vases or desk clocks. All of these are available at DigitizedLogos.com. Depending on the needs of your inexpensive organization gifts are suitable for regular employees. These gifts could bear inscriptions with “Thank you for your effort,” “great job!” For managers and top executives, more expensive gifts could be given to show their level of importance. So what are you waiting for, shop with digitized logos with all the great stuff that is on offer? Remember that giving employees recognition gifts is just as rewarding for you as it is for them. Get the gifts your employees will be grateful for and find useful from our catalog.